Reset Password
Reset Password
Forget your Password? User ID?

To enable access to the site, you will need to reset your password. Enter the required information in the Password box to the right. All information must match what is currently on file with jcp. If the email address and/or UserID do not match you will receive an error message for you to contact your company's Registrar.

If the information matches, you will receive an email with instructions.
Sample email:

Reset Password
Please enter your Supplier #, Company Email
Address and User ID to reset your password.
Supplier #:   
Email Address:   
User ID:   


The registrar is your Company�s administrator who authorizes and maintains individual users and their access to the site.
If you are the registrar and cannot access the site, please contact the email address noted below.

Registrars, when sending an email concerning the supplier site, please include the following information.

Registrar Name
Supplier Name
Supplier Number
Detailed reason for your inquiry
